Virus Hides from
Your Naked Eye
40% to 60% of surfaces in your workplace were contaminated with different pathogens. How will you protect yourself and the people in your organization from the harmful viruses that you don’t see?
The Virus Spread
In The Air We Breath
According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in US, coronavirus can be spread through airborne particles that can stay in the air for minutes or even hours. Airborne transmission occurs in enclosed spaces where air is concentrated and lack of proper ventilation.




40% to 60% of surfaces in your workplace were contaminated with different pathogens. How will you protect yourself and the people in your organization from the harmful viruses that you don’t see?


Wide range of UV-C products that will help your disinfection process smooth and easy. From surface to Air disinfection, we have the right products for your application.


Through our unique and meticulous disinfection process using UV-C technology. Our team will develop and apply a disinfection solution that will suit to your varying needs.

A Virus Incubator

With an average of 16% influenza transmission happened in your work environment and 40% to 60% of surfaces in your workplace is contaminated with different germs and viruses. Offices becomes an incubator. UVC has the ability to disinfect the air circulating in workspace to prevent and stop airborne transmission and also disinfect surfaces for peace of mind.

food safety

As a consumer we want a food that is free from virus, germs and bacteria contamination. UVC technology are used by different food manufacturer to prevent food spoilage cause by different pathogens and to eliminate virus that the food may have and cause harm to human when it consumed.

UVC and Logistics

Online shopping or online purchases flourish in this time of pandemic. The reason is to avoid getting outside our home and being expose to the virus. But how confident you are that you avoided the virus, or it just enter your home by the product you purchased online and delivered at your door? As a courier, how will you help to stop the spread of deadly virus and protect your customer? UVER has the right UV-C solution for both service provider and customer.

UV-C Technology

During this pandemic we need to embrace the new normal, we need to continue living with supplementary precautions.

UV-C technology or radiation also known as “Germicidal Lamp” is a versatile disinfectant for your different application that delivers an accurate and effective disinfectant solution.


Find UV-C products that meet your needs

Air Disinfection

Object Disinfection

Surface Disinfection


With UVER in collaboration with Signify, offers you a wide range of UV-C products and services that is suitable for your different application in residential water and air treatment, industrial water purification and commercial air purification.

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