Safe Indoor Air
Quality For Everyone
According to EPA (United State Environmental Protection Agency), indoor pollutants concentrations are often 2 to 5 times higher that typical outdoor concentrations.
Trusted And Effective
Disinfectant Solution
Easy Installation
And Cost-Effective
Flexible In Different Air
Disinfection Application
Disinfection Process
Within A Minutes
Viruses might also contaminate the air we breath. Rooms with HVAC system without UV-C only filtered particles but viruses still in air circulation and the room becomes a virus incubator. Improving and disinfecting indoor air circulation is really important. By Using UV-C, it enhance the air quality and deactivates pathogens that will harm our healthy body.

Home or Residential
We don't want a virus to spread inside our home and harm our family member. Create a safe and free from virus home for our family. UV-C kills airborne microorganism and inactivate DNA found in SAR-Cov-2 that causes COVID-19.

Commercial Spaces
Your business continue without compromising the health of your workers and customers. Disinfecting commercial spaces such as offices, retail store and even grocery shop using UV-C will not interrupt the productivity in the area while the disinfection process is happening.